When an emergency occurs at school, many times the messages that are first circulated come from non-official sources (students text parents, parents post on social media, posts are shared, etc.). Here is what you can expect from the district:
Gathering Information: The district strives to communicate factual information to the public as quickly as possible. No two situations are alike and it takes time to verify details. This can involve talking to multiple parties (police, fire, families directly involved with the emergency). Depending on the situation, there are times we are limited on the details we can share (privacy laws, active law enforcement investigation). It is not our intent to seem vague when we say we are unable to share specifics. Please know we're working hard to provide timely and accurate information.
Sending Messaging: Once we have the message ready to send, we activate various communication channels (email, text messaging, phone call, website, social media posts). It is important to make sure your contact information with the district is up-to-date.
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