Columbiana County Treasurers touring the new school building and supporting Rock Your Socks day at United Local Schools.

Reminder to United Local Parents and Students:
Spring Break 2025
No School on March 24th - March 28th
School Resumes March 31st

Our 2025-2026 District Calendar is now available on our District Website. Stay updated on all school-related news by visiting our website or our District Facebook page. To view the District Calendar, please visit: www.eaglepride.net/page/district-calendars.


The Class of 2027 is selling Nothing Bundt cakes and vouchers to raise money for their Junior Prom. Orders are due the first week of April and will arrive April 16th, just in time for Easter! Please reach out to a sophomore if interested or email Valerie.Kidder@eaglepride.net. Vouchers are good for a year and can be redeemed at the Niles or Boardman location so buy some cake for now and some vouchers for later!

Mrs. Cooper's ccp anatomy class went to Cleveland State University to interact with human cadavers. Students viewed organ systems and were even able to hold a human brain. We are very thankful to have had the opportunity for this unique learning experience.

To parents, students, and community members:
Earlier today, some of our middle school students received a bomb threat. Mr. Baker and the staff acted quickly and decisively and isolated the person who sent the threat. The person responsible was quickly isolated and removed from campus.
We want to thank the student who reported the threat to Mr. Baker and ask that parents continue to talk to their children about speaking up and alerting school personnel when they think there might be something wrong or suspicious. All parents of students affected have been contacted.
Lance Hostetler

8th grade art students designed art for their Washington DC & Gettysburg field trip TShirts. The winning entries were Lilliana Dina, Aiden Ginderson & Karrin Diegdio. Winners got to pick the colors of their shirts. Students will be traveling later this year.

Congratulations to Auston Brown for finishing 3rd and Dakota McCracken for finishing 4th at the state wrestling tournament!!!

Students enjoyed browsing their very own art in the Butler Museum of American Art this Sunday. Afterward enjoying the museum and cookies.

Mrs. Connor's 8th grade art students came up with ideas for interactive art drawings.

United Local School Spring PTO Fundraiser
Orders are due by March 21st.
Please make checks payable to United PTO.
Order pickup will be on April 16th.

Elementary Special Showcase March 11, 2025

Today is National Maintenance and Grounds Worker Day! Thank you for all of the support that you give to our staff and students on a daily basis. We appreciate all of your hard work in making sure our school is a well maintained place for education.
We are UNITED in our appreciation for all that you do! Bradley Horstman and Joseph Schreffler we would be a mess without you!

Congratulations to the following wrestlers for placing at district.
Auston Brown 1st place
Dakota McCracken 3rd place
Colin Liput 5th place

National Tooth Fairy Day happens twice a year to encourage kids to visit their dentists two times a year for their annual checkups! Thank you Nurse Laughlin for acquiring toothbrushes to hand out in the elementary cafeteria, our helper Monica Yoho and for Shaina for organizing this event this past Friday, February 28th.

Hammond has provided us with some pictures of the exciting changes happening with our new school building.

Youth Art Month is March 1st—31st “A true artist is not one who is inspired, but one who inspires others.” - Salvador Dali We are UNITED in our appreciation for all that you do everyday for our students and staff! Heather Connor and Marina Moffett

“A mediocre music teacher tells. A good music teacher explains. A superior music teacher demonstrates. A great music teacher inspires.”- William Arthur Ward.
We are UNITED in our appreciation of our GREAT music teachers and for all that they do everyday for our students! Nome Baker, Katie Bibri, and Sarah Pigza

Anyone interested in receiving classroom training with hands-on skills sessions in AHA HEARTSAVER AED/CPR/FIRST AID, please get in touch with Sue Laughlin at susan.laughlin@eaglepride.net. The cost for this training is $25 for School Staff/Students and $50 for Community Members.