Congratulations to Logan Wood for being selected as the play of the week.
over 1 year ago, DJ Ogilvie
Elementary Fall Fundraiser Starts Today
over 1 year ago, Lyne Mercer
Elementary Fall Fundraiser Starts Today
LATE START WEDNESDAY: We will have a 2-hour late start for all grade levels this coming Wednesday, September 13, for staff in-service meetings. School buses will run 2 hours later than usual. Check out our District School Year Calendar for future changes to our regular day:
over 1 year ago, Bill Young
Late Start
Free & Reduced Lunch Applications Needed
over 1 year ago, Lyne Mercer
Free & Reduced Lunch Applications Needed
The 2023 United Lady Eagles Volleyball team is hosting an Alumni Night! See below for details.
over 1 year ago, Lyne Mercer
UHS Volleyball Alumni Night
Tomorrow's volleyball game we are letting all students in for free. Thank you to the Bergman family!!!
over 1 year ago, DJ Ogilvie
Bowling Those interested in bowling on the high school team this upcoming season, Forest Lanes Bowling Center is offering a pre-season league. This is for grades 9-12 only!! The league will consist of 3-4 people per team. You can sign up as a group of people or individuals and we can help place you with others. The league will be 8 weeks and starts this Saturday Sept 9th at 3:30pm. The cost is $10 per person!
over 1 year ago, David Ogilvie
A huge thank you to Alex Grossman at Hammond Construction for taking us a little walk around the new gym and cafeteria!
over 1 year ago, Lance Hostetler
construction site
construction site
construction site
We have a big game against Crestview Local this Friday and some of our students wanted to remind everyone that with construction, we want to maximize our parking spaces. Additionally, our Eagle Crazies are planning a tailgate and white-out event! Check it out at
over 1 year ago, Lance Hostetler
Good afternoon United Local, as of Sunday, August 27th, the actual school building has power and we are anticipating a great opening. I did just receive a report that some roads are still closed at this time. Our transportation department will continue to work closely with township departments and emergency services to do their best to navigate the closures. If you live on a road that is temporarily closed, please call our transportation department and we will work to arrange another pick-up and drop-off location until the road is open. If your child for whatever reason cannot attend school (power, road closures, etc), it will be considered an excused absence. Please contact the school as soon as possible and we will work with families on an individual basis.
over 1 year ago, Lance Hostetler
Due to the power outage Friday into Saturday, lunch menus will likely need to be adjusted. All menus will be updated as soon as possible for your planning.
over 1 year ago, Lance Hostetler
The United Local School Campus will be closed today due to lack of power and possible wind damage in the area. We will also not be running the Career Center bus shuttle today because of the previously mentioned conditions,
over 1 year ago, Lance Hostetler
If you still want to purchase fall season passes we will have them on sale tomorrow morning in the high school from 9-11.
over 1 year ago, DJ Ogilvie
Just a reminder that the league has changed ticket prices. For all high school events it will be $7 for adults and $5 for students. **For tomorrow's football game if you have a pass please enter the pass gate by the home ticket booth.
over 1 year ago, DJ Ogilvie
With the start of our 2023-24 Fall Sports Season, we wanted to share with you the available parking during home games or scrimmages. United Football: Spectator Parking: Enter through Drive 1, Drive 2 or Drive 3 and park in available spots around the school or in the extra parking lot. Handicap Parking: Enter through Drive 2 and park along the bus garage. United Soccer: Spectator Parking: Enter through Drive 1, Drive 2 or Drive 3 and park in available spots around the school or in the extra parking lot. Handicap Parking: Enter through Drive 2 and park along the bus garage. United Volleyball: Spectator Parking: Enter through Drive 1, Drive 2 or Drive 3 and park in available spots around the school or in the extra parking lot. Enter the building through Door 3, Door 4, Door 10 or Door 14. Handicap Parking: Enter through Drive 1 and park along the building. Enter the building through Door 3.
over 1 year ago, Danielle Satterfield
BEGIN SCHOOL ANNUAL FORMS - TODAY (see: ) All United Local yearly required student forms will now be completed online. This will help in keeping important information up to date and will also help parents the next time they go to fill out forms or need to update student information as it changes. These forms include the Emergency Medical Form, Over the Counter Medication Permission Form, Handbook Signature Page, Computer Student Agreement form, and the Title 1 Compact form. Forms for the start of school would traditionally come home in a packet on the first day of school. Now, they are online and parents can begin filling them out electronically now. All forms are required to be completed by September 29. If you do not have access to a computer, call the office and we will make arrangement for you to come in and complete the forms for your child.
over 1 year ago, Bill Young
Yearly Forms
Foundation work is being done on the new cafeteria and kitchen! A big thank you to Hammond Construction for their excellent work!
over 1 year ago, Lance Hostetler
Foundation prep for cafeteria
Foundation prep work
Foundation prep work
Next week we will have fall passes on sale Tuesday and Thursday from 9-12. Enter door 14 and go to the AD's office.
over 1 year ago, DJ Ogilvie
Due to our construction, we will only be able to utilize the current elementary office as our new main office, for our entry and exit. With that in mind, all students, PK-12, will be on the 7:40-2:40 schedule. All enrolled students should be receiving a packet in the mail within the next few days. Included in each packet will be our narrative and map detailing this school year's logistics plan for arrivals and dismissals, your student's scheduled bus pick up and drop off time (if assigned to a bus), available dates to come visit your student's building and our new phone extension directory that will be going into effect. All student parking will now be in the lower (south) lot, which used to be a t-ball field. Just an addition reminder that all student forms will be completed online this year. Students will be bringing home instructions to assist in completing these forms on the first day of school that can be found on our district website They are marked as Yearly Student Forms: Grades K-5 Yearly Student Forms and Grades 6-12 Yearly Student Forms. All School forms are to be completed online by September 8, 2023. We hope that you all have been able to enjoy your summer break. We look forward to seeing everyone on the first day of school, August 28th.
over 1 year ago, Danielle Satterfield
United Local Elementary will be holding this year’s Kindergarten screenings for the Class of 2036 from 9:00am-5:00pm by appointment only, on August 16, 2023. Please call the elementary office at 330-223-8001 to set up your child’s screening time on or after August 1st. On the day of the screening you will need to enter through door #8 (elementary office).
over 1 year ago, Lyne Mercer
Kindergarten Screening