Today is National School Librarian Day. " The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go." - Dr. Seuss
We are United in our appreciation to Karrie Varagliotti (STEAM) and Denise Ward for all that you both do.

April 3, 2024 is National Paraprofessional Day. To all of our Paraprofessionals: Thank you for dedicating your time and your energy each day to help our students in their daily tasks. We are United in our appreciation for all that you do!

Attention to our Elementary, Middle School and High School Parents: There is no school on Tuesday, April 2, 2024 due to our staff in-service day. You can stay updated on all our school related news by visiting our District Website or our District Facebook page. District Calendar on our Website: www.eaglepride.net/page/district-calendars District Facebook page: www.facebook.com/UnitedLocalSchools

Reminder to United Local Parents and Students: United Local School District will not have school starting on March 29th through April 2nd. Students will resume school after Easter Break on April 3rd. Staff will return to work on April 2nd for a Staff In-Service Day.

Leighton Birmingham (7th grade) is in Orlando, Fl this week to compete at the NCSA National age group championship swim meet along side swimmers from all over the country. She is competing in the 100y breaststroke, 100y backstroke, 200y and 400yard freestyle relays and 200yard and 400 yard medley relays. Leighton swims for Piranha Aquatics based in Salem.

Reminder to parents of students in grades K-7 that this Thursday, March 28th is the 8th grade class carnival. Students will visit the carnival during designated times (30-45 minutes) to play the 18 student created games. Tickets are 25 cents a piece, cash only, to be sold at the door. Most games only cost 1-2 tickets to play and students will earn prize tickets to be used for prizes such as gift cards, candy, and small toys. This is a fundraiser for the class trip to Washington, D.C. with all proceeds from each game going directly to that game's creators! If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Burd at ryan.burd@eaglepride net! Thank you for your support!

The 8th grade class is looking for sponsors to help cover the cost of tickets for elementary students who may not be able to purchase their own tickets to the 8th grade carnival this Thursday, March 28th. The cost of each ticket is 25 cents and most games only cost 1 or 2 tickets to play. So a $1 donation would cover the cost of 4 tickets allowing a student to play 2-4 games. All proceeds from the carnival go directly to 8th grade students to help with the cost of their Washington, D.C. trip. Anyone interested in sponsoring tickets for students can reach out to Mr. Burd at ryan.burd@eaglepride.net.

The 8th grade will be hosting a carnival for student in grades K-7 next Thursday, March 28th as a fundraiser for their class trip to Washington, D.C. K-5 students will be attending the carnival during their specials classes that day. Tickets will be sold at the door for 25 cents a piece (cash only) and all games will cost 1-4 tickets a piece to play. Students who win their game(s) will be given prize tickets to be used to purchase prizes such as small toys, candy, and gift cards to local restaurants. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Burd at ryan.burd@eaglepride.net.

Reminder to our Parent and Students: There will be no school for students on Tuesday, March 19, 2024 due to the Ohio Primary Election. Our staff members will still, attend for a Staff In-Service Day.

The Columbiana County Educational Service Center's in now accepting applications for the 2024-2025 School Year Preschool Program. If you are interested in requesting an application please contact the Columbiana County ESC at 330-424-9591 Ext. 167 or at www.ccesc.k12.oh.us Request enrollment packet for the 2024 - 2025 school year.

Attention to our Elementary, Middle School and High School Parents: This Wednesday, March 13, 2024 we will be having a 2 hour late start for staff in-service meetings. School buses will run 2 hours later than usual. You can stay updated on all our school related news by visiting our District Website or our District Facebook page. District Calendar on our Website: www.eaglepride.net/page/district-calendars District Facebook page: www.facebook.com/UnitedLocalSchools

Kindergarten Registration 2024-2025
Calling all United 5 Year Olds!
Parents of children who will be five on or before August 1st and live in the United Local School District or are considering open enrollment, it is almost time to register. We will begin accepting kindergarten registration on March 11, 2024. If you are planning to open enroll your child, please pick up or print off from our website an open enrollment form in addition to filling out our online registration packet. Open enrolling families will need to register with their home school district first, and then they may apply with United Local School District. Please follow the instructions below to find our Kindergarten Registration Forms on our website.
1. Go to the United Local School District Website (https://www.eaglepride.net/o/ue) and select “Menu” in the top navigation bar. Then, select “District Forms” and proceed to our Forms page.
2. All accounts that have previously been made (for currently enrolled siblings of new student) can proceed to #5 and continue the following steps. For New students who have not used this login process before Click “Register” to create your account.
3. Enter your information and click “Submit”.
4. You will receive an email to confirm your account before you can login. Follow the steps in the email to confirm the account and return to the login screen. Please be sure to use the link listed above or the forms will not be available to complete.
5. Login
6. On the next screen click “Add Student via” and select “New Student Registration-United Local School K-12 24-25”.
7. Begin by filling out the New Student Enrollment Form. The rest of the forms will not be available until this one is submitted. (NOTE: When entering phone numbers, DO NOT use dashes. We require the primary contact for the student to include a valid email address. Also when entering grade use 1 character i.e. “K” for kindergarten and “1’ for first grade, etc.) Once complete click “Submit”.
8. Continue completing remaining forms and click “Save” after each form to move on to the next one.
9. Once all forms are complete click “Submit All Forms”.
10. After all of the forms have been completed and submitted, you will then need to contact Ann Peters at 330-223-2831 to bring the following documents for their student’s registration: the child’s birth certificate, social security card, immunization records, custody documents (if applicable), a Driver’s License or photo I.D. and two proofs of residency.
11. If you are enrolling your student into kindergarten (The child must turn 5 years old on or before August 1st.) You will not be able to schedule your child’s kindergarten screening date and time until after August 1st. Our Kindergarten Screening Dates will be announced closer to the start of the school year. Check our website for further information.
If you do not have internet access or are unable to complete these forms from home for any reason, please contact the school and we will set up a time for you to complete them here. If you have any questions or run into any issues, please call Ann Peters at 330-223-2831 and we will be happy to assist you.

United Local Schools New Open Enrollment 2024-2025
New Student Open Enrollment Applications for the 2024-2025 school year are now available on our district website or can be picked up in person at either our Administration Office (door #3) or our Main Office (door #8).
Two ways to apply:
1. Fill out our online Open Enrollment Application, email completed application to the Superintendent’s Secretary or print it at home and turn it into one of our school offices.
2. Visit our Admin Office at door #3 or our Main Office at door #8 to pick up the application, fill it out, and return it to one of our offices.
*Completed Open Enrollment Applications must be received by 4:00 pm on June 9th. Our Administration and Main Offices are open from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm every Monday through Friday. Completed Open Enrollment applications can be emailed to danielle.satterfield@eaglepride.net or can be mailed to the Office of the Superintendent, United Local Schools 8143 St. Rt. 9, Hanoverton, Ohio 44423. Open Enrollment at United Local Schools is determined yearly and is based on capacity limits within each grade level, school building, and educational program.

Upcoming Events and Items of Note:
March 19th - Due the Ohio Primary Election there will be No School for Students.
April 8th - Due to the Solar Eclipse all students will be having an early release at 1:00 pm.
Our 2024-2025 District Calendar has been posted on our District Website.
Starting September 3, 2024, United Local School District will be adding 10 minutes to our school day. The new morning tardy bell will ring at 7:35 am, and the new afternoon dismissal bell will ring at 2:35 pm. You can stay updated on all our school related news by visiting our District Website or our District Facebook page. District Calendar on our Website: www.eaglepride.net/page/district-calendars or on our District Facebook page: www.facebook.com/UnitedLocalSchools

United Local School District has a Nominee for the MaxPreps Ohio High School Athlete of the Week Award and SBLive’s Ohio high school athlete of the week. Congratulations to Ethan Hively for placing first at State for Boys Bowling. Please take a moment to Vote for him to win with the two links listed below.
Link #1:
Voting is live and will conclude at Noon on Monday, March 11. You may vote as often as you like.
Link #2:
Voting will conclude on March 10, 2024 at 11:59 p.m

Today is National Maintenance and Grounds Worker Day. We are United in our appreciation for all of the support that you give to our staff and students on a daily basis. We appreciate all of your hard work in making sure our school is a well maintained place for education. We would be a mess without you! Thank you Brad Horstman and Joseph Schreffler.

The month of March is Music is Our Schools Month. We are United in our appreciation for all that you do everyday for our students and staff! Thank you Nome Baker, Katie Bibri, and Sarah Pigza for being GREAT music teachers.

The month of March is Youth Art Month. We are United in our appreciation for all that you do everyday for our students and staff! Thank you Heather Connor and Marina Moffett for being great art teachers here at United Local.

Attention to our Parents and Students:
After careful thought and discussions with other local institutions, staff, and families, we are announcing that we will be dismissing all students at 1:00 pm on April 8, 2024 due to the solar eclipse.

A reminder to parents of students going into grades 7 and 8 for next year. The math placement meetings will take place tomorrow evening during parent/teacher conferences. 6th grade families interested in 7th grade math plus will meet in the high school library at 6PM. 7th grade families interested in 8th grade Algebra 1 will meet at 6:30PM in the high school library. There is still time to schedule conferences with you child's teacher if you have not done so already. There will be no school on Friday.